Staying Active During Quarantine by Lucy Torres

Feeling sluggish? Missing the gym? Eating lots of snacks? It’s been several weeks since gyms
across the country have been mandatorily closed due to the Coronavirus. During this time, it is
easy to lose track of the day, time, our normal daily routine and lifestyle. Don’t let this stop you
from keeping you active. Although there might be a lack of motivation, it is possible to find
ways to staying active a part of your daily routine. A copious amount of studies has shown the
importance in staying active which is associated with better immune function and can reduce
stress, anxiety, and improve mood. It may be easy to do nothing and lay around all day whether
or not if you’re working from home. If you are still working or unable to work, no matter what,
you should be staying active. If you use exercise to keep up your energy and sprits in times like
these, you might be less inclined to turn to unhealthy coping habits. Staying active will mean
something different to each individual person. It can be anything. This can mean taking your
dog out on a walk, doing an at-home workout, gardening, riding a bike, and much more. Here
are some ways in staying active indoors and outdoors during the quarantine to keep you in
shape, as well as happy and healthy.
Be Active Outside While Social-Distancing
– Go on a run
Examples: 1-3 mile run on a trail or around your neighborhood, find a hill to run
sprints 5 rounds full sprint up the hill and jog back down as active rest, run
sprints on a treadmill 30sec on/off 5 rounds for 2-3 sets
– Bike ride
Example: bike around your neighborhood, ride your bike to a friend’s house and
say hello from a distance, take your bike to a bike path at Eisenhower Park or
Bethpage Bike Pathways on Long Island
– Go on a walk
Example: Take your doggo on a walk, listen to a podcast as you walk, or drive to
another place to change up the scenery
– Garden and yardwork
Example: Grow a vegetable garden, add some new flowers for a pop of color to
your front and backyards (my top picks are tulips, roses, peonies, gardenias, and
dahlias), cut your grass, add mulch to your garden, trim your trees/bushes

Be Active Indoors In Your Home
– Bored of your same workout? I recommend using YouTube in finding a workout video
to switch your workouts up
– Reconnect with your coach/personal trainer for advice and fitness plans
– Have staple workout equipment for your at-home gym, like dumbbells? Do weighted
squats, bench press, deadlift, and row
– Don’t have equipment? That’s okay, use what you have at home; learn how to shadow
box, practice your takedown shots, do yoga, Pilates, or body weight workouts
– As for athletes, I highly recommend contacting your coach and determine a plan to
keep you in shape and ready to return back to play while avoiding injury when your
season/camp starts. As a strength and conditioning coach for athletes at Long Island
MMA, it is important to train efficiently and effectively to keep you in shape and
prevent injury especially since there has been an off time, due to mandatory quarantine,
of sports practice and training. If you are an athlete and would like advice or
programming, please feel free to contact me via email at
During this time, many will struggle with the motivation to get moving. But now, more than
ever, exercise is important. Just get moving even you do not feel like doing anything today.
Even a small amount of movement can make a difference. If you struggle in being active, find
something you like, so it doesn’t feel like a chore. I promise you will feel better about yourself
and you will have the sense of accomplishing something for the moment. Do anything, just get