Every gym has there particular etiquettes. Etiquette here meaning different rules or unique practices and or beliefs. Some gyms require you to sit down in silence while the instructor is explaining the technique. Some people have their own beliefs that they ritually practice. It’s entirely the norm in some gyms or perhaps mainly “dojo’s” to bow before you step onto the mats. Even at our own gym where such actions are not mandated, I have witnessed our fellow members do so before stepping on to the mat. It’s totally respectful and tradition from some where that I am not knowledgeable on. In one particular gym I believe they only allow you to train in a white gi as to not blemish the color of the mats with your gi color. Aside from the gym specific practices there are totally hygienic procedures that everyone should take part in whether or not the gym strictly enforces it. We should all be kind to our training partners. Nobody wants to train with the guy who hasn’t washed his gi in a month, believe me! At Long Island MMA they measures to keep the facility germ free. Regardless, of how immaculate the gym is the odds of you contract any ring worm lets say isn’t going to come because of the mats or because you licked the light switches ( don’t lick light switches people). You most likely got what ever from some one. LIMMA takes its precautions regardless. They spray the mats with special disinfectants. We can train all night and day on it. However, it’s up to you to have proper etiquette when walking on and off the mats. We are all quite used to walking around barefoot. Where you walk barefoot others walk with sneakers on. It’s proper practice to wear the appropriate foot wear when walking off the mats to avoid cross contaminating what’s on the heavily circulated floors on to the mats.

-Pat Rivera